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Non-Pyro Blast Simulator - Metal Bucket Training Device (OTA-NP08)



The Non-Pyro Blast Simulator - Metal Bucket Training Device has a 15 foot length of wire running from the device to the powerpack. The unit can be command detonated by a key fob device (included), and can also be activated by a variety of switches (sold separately). The Non-Pyro Blast Simulator - Metal Bucket Training Device contains one Electronically Fired Device (EFD), which utilizes a 12 gram liquid CO2 canister to initiate the simulated blast. An inline head assembly uses a rubber burst disc, which under pressure from the CO2 creates a loud (80 dB- 140 dB) report. The optional addition of powder in the inline head results in an airborne simulated dissemination of a biological mass or explosion.


Each device comes with a starter pack, which includes 30 rubber burst discs and 30 CO2 canisters.

This device is enables safe, direct contact training, and poses no fire hazards. The visual and auditory impact is large, especially in relativity to its safe operating distance. The average recovery time with this device is approximately 3 minutes, and has a low operating cost for each simulated blast.

This item is just one of the endless possibilities of non-pyro devices that we can design and produce in any quantity. If you have any training objectives that this device does not meet, please contact us.

We can customize this product to include almost any ideas you may have.




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