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TMPSYS-Ossus - Facial Image Search Engine



Identifying unwanted people or VIP customers on your premises can be difficult. One of the principal challenges is establishing and proving an individual’s identity.
With TMPSYS-Ossus facial image search engine the task is much easier.
Using the unique biometric parameters of a person’s facial features, it brings a much higher level of security and reliability.
Compatible with a wide range of image sources, TMPSYS-Ossus is flexible, efficient and fast in situations that demand security.

It recognises images from a wide range of visual sources including those from camera, CCTV, E-Fit and mobile phone or portable devices.
The operator captures an image of a suspect as they move past a camera.
The image is then simply uploaded to TMPSYS-Ossus and an identity search is run at unprecedented speed andaccuracy on a multi-million scale.
TMPSYS-Ossus incorporates world leading face recognition technology that brings uniquely fast and accurate performance in a wide range of face activated biometric applications.





Photos can be taken at visitor desks as well as through the CCTV system. TMPSYS-Ossus will run ID checks quickly and efficiently on suspicious individuals or VIP customers that pass through the bank.


Border Protection

At airports and ports, TMPSYS-Ossus can achieve fast identification via cameras at check-in desks, spot-checks with mobile devices, CCTV cameras and photos obtained in interview rooms.

TMPSYS-Ossus from is the ultimate facial identification search engine.
It is a product that is ready to be used with any images stored in an existing database. It can help the user select a face in a crowd and can be used with an existing CCTV system.


Searches on a multi-million scale

Using some of the world’s best facial recognition technology, TMPSYS-Ossus can process a database of 8 million faces in one second.
Upload any facial image into TMPSYS-Ossus for lightning-fast ID search results of a facial image database.


Wide range of image sources

TMPSYS-Ossus facial image search engine is favoured by the police. It recognises images from a wide range of visual sources including those from a camera, CCTV, E-Fit and mobile phone or portable devices.
It works with b&w, full colour, scanned, images from a body-worn camera and more.



Using sophisticated and advanced image and video analysis techniques, facial recognition can be used with enhanced object recognition and tracking applications to offer unrivalled performance and security.


ID Management

Identity management has become a key issue in both national and international security. Governments and organisations are increasingly relying on biometrically enabled solutions for critical infrastructure protection, to combat identity theft and fraud. Tempestini Systems specialises in solutions for positive identity checking in law enforcement, immigration and electronic documentation.


Offline Forensics

One of a range of forensic level tools that aid operations within the police, defence and Critical National Infrastructure. Forensic examination can be executed by using facial recognition on images from a wide variety of different sources.


Key Features of TMPSYS-Ossus

  • Unprecedented Speed - TMPSYS-Ossus can process an 8 million facial database search in only one second.
  • Flexible capacity - It can search against very small watchlists as well as multi-million databases.
  • Flexible inputs - TMPSYS-Ossus works with a wide variety of image sources.
  • Easy to use - Designed with the user in mind, TMPSYS-Ossus is very easy to install, administer and maintain.
  • World leading Technology.




Suspect Identification Tool Helps Merseyside Free up Police Time

Merseyside Police was the first force in the country to trial new technology using automatic facial recognition to help identify arrested suspects even before they reach the custody desk.

The solution is based on the Digital Image Register (DIR), the TMPSYS-Ossus facial biometric capability built in. The DIR takes images of suspects in the “airlock” or holding cell before they are booked into custody. The suspect simply stands in front of the DIR and their photograph is taken.

Once the image is taken, it is compared against images already held in the Merseyside Police database.
Using a touch‐screen, the officer enters his shoulder number, takes the picture and presses the “search” button – activating an immediate search and comparison with all the images in the force database in only a few seconds. If a match is recorded then this is brought to the officer’s attention with relevant information conveyed by colour coding to comply with data protection requirements.

The colour codes are: green – the person is known to police but there are no markers against their name; yellow – there is a bail marker against the person’s name; amber – the person is wanted on warrant; red – they are wanted and are considered a serious criminal.

The custody sergeant is thus alerted from the outset as to whether the person is wanted on bail or warrant. The information also assists in decisions as to which prisoners to process first, based on their past criminality and likely behaviour.

Merseyside embarked on the trial because it was looking for ways to speed up the time it takes to process prisoners in custody and free up trained officers to spend more time on the streets. Assistant Chief Constable Simon Byrne predicts that the technology has the potential to save the force in excess of 20,000 hours in officer time each year (2,000 per custody suite).

“The fact that suspects can now be identified even before they reach the custody desk is a truly innovative approach that has never been done before by a police force,” he says. “This not only speeds up the custody process and enables officers to spend more time on the streets, it also provides officers with valuable intelligence on individual offenders.”

The TMPSYS-Ossus Facial Image Search Engine is the onetomany face recognition solution for nextgeneration applications involving very large numbers of images. Using the unique face recognition technology, TMPSYS-Ossus is the ultimate facial biometric search engine, providing unprecedented speed and accuracy at multimillion scale.






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Sito instituzionale: www.tempestinisystems.com
