TMPSYS-AirStar Medium Aerostats
TMPSYS-AirStar Medium Tethered Aerostat System are the turn-key, value-price lighter-than-air platform solution sought by military, commercial and scientific customers.
- Visual observation of targets of interest both in the air and on the ground
- Beyond-line-of-sight communications
- Tracking of air and ground based targets of interest
The family of medium sized aerostats includes:
- T-17K
- T-25K
- T-40K
- T-56K
- T-75K
Aerostats can be manufactured in standard or TMPSYS-AirStar’s proprietary High Strength Laminated Aerostat Material (HSLAM).
- HSLAM gives additional user payload lift capacity for the same size of aerostat
Above: An TMPSYS-AirStar T-25KH providing aerial observations during a 2012 Exercise, observing participant movements as well as the spread of a forest fire which started in an area adjacent to the exercise, during the exercise.