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Video 4 title

This is an example of a Vimeo video, just edit the change the video link, edit the title and this description and if you like, you can also link the continue button to a web page....

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Occhiali intelligenti per telemedicina

Offre ai primi soccorritori e ai medici in prima linea l'accesso agli specialisti in tempo reale.

Consolle operativa per sale controllo

Offriamo arredamento tecnico su misura, con un design completo, costruzione e messa in opera.

Sicurezza dei porti

Soluzione integrata che prevede il controllo dei container, delle persone e dei mezzi

Protezione delle navi

Antenne satellitari automatiche per veicoli e navi, veicoli aerei di sorveglianza senza equipaggio

Broadcast Video

IP TV, Information & Communication Technology

Sistemi di radiolocalizzazione

per case di cura e penitenziari

Videowall e sistemi MPDP

per centri commerciali e sale controllo

Display a LED a colori

Prodotti di visualizzazione a LED di qualità alta con i migliori prezzi e servizi

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Prodotti di Sicurezza, Intelligence, ICT, Equipment, Military, Medical
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TMPSYS-Classic Metal Detector



This Walk-Through Metal Detector is engineered and designed to meet the specific security needs of public facilities such as: schools, hotels, amusement parks and city halls.
The TMPSYS-Classic provides the required security with a high level of operating efficiency. The leading edge technology features a high flow rate of people through the gate with minimal alarms. Personal items such as coins, keys, belt buckles can pass through the magnetic field without causing an alarm.

The TMPSYS-Classic Metal Detector is compact and lightweight making this portable unit adoptable to any surroundings. The patented cylinder design is aesthetically suitable for the most discrete applications. This security equipment does not require any special training for normal use making this the most “user friendly” walk-through metal detector in the industry.

  • High Security Detection
  • Leading Edge Technology
  • Easy to Install and Use
  • Suitable for Portable Applications
  • No Maintenance Required
  • Affordable Pricing







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Sito instituzionale: www.tempestinisystems.com
