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Shoulder Fired Launcher Trainer (TMP-50SFL)


Non Pyrotechnic Launcher Trainer

Tempestini Systems helps train Warfighters to recognize and deploy countermeasures against RPG attacks using a realistic Shoulder Fired Launcher Trainer (TMP-50SFL). Best in industry in terms of both distance and firepower, this Battlefield Effects Simulator can fire either a 2 oz paint-filled sabot round or a foam projectile.

Realistic Training
The VISMOD-ready Launcher looks and feels like a real RPG. When fired, the Shoulder Fired Launcher Trainer emits a plume of simulated smoke and either round option will mark whatever target it hits without causing any damage.

Extreme Distance & Velocity
The foam rocket has 100-yard range and 120 mph muzzle velocity. Faster and more powerful than any other simulation launcher on the market, the device is designed for the reality and rigors of military training. For live training, it provides OPFOR the distance and firepower advantage needed to eliminate well-entrenched defenders. A 2 oz paint-filled marking sabot fits perfectly into the chamber for quick action reload during high intensity live training scenarios.

Powerful & Safe
The Shoulder Fired Launcher Trainer comes equipped with a regulator that reduces the 800 psi input to a max output of 230-260 psi.
Powered by Co2 or Compressed Air, a built-in over-pressure and carefully engineered firing mechanism ensure maximum safety for users when firing.




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