Protection shields
Scorpion Protection Shields
Ease of Stacking
A key feature of the Scorpion Shield range is it has been designed to address the problems frequently encountered in the storage and transportation of Personal Protective Equipment.
Locking Handles
Unlike other shields on the market, the handles on the Scorpion range fold flat using a unique locking mechanism, so that valuable vehicle space can be utilised more effectively. The user is able to lock and unlock the handles in seconds, providing an effective barrier when confronted with a wide variety of situations.
This saves the user time and effort in situations where effective shielding, combined with speedy action often means the difference between protection or injury.
TMP Impact Resistant Police Shield
TMP-60-100/L or TMP-60-100/R
Dimensions: width 570 x height 1000 mm in basic version,
weight 3.5 kg. It is possible to adjust the width to 550mm, height can be adjusted as needed. The shield is made of high-quality, extremely resistant polycarbonate with thickness 3mm (it can be increased upon request up to 5mm). Inner ergonomically shaped reinforcing plate dampens efficiently impacts and vibrations on holding hand. Handle is double and enables holding of the shield by both hands. V-shaped form of the shield conducts blows efficiently aside.
TMP-R-60-100/L or TMP-R-60-100/R
This shield differs from the type TMP-60-100 by the fact that its front face has rounded shape without any vertical edges. All other data are identical.
Firearms Personal Entry Shield
Manufactured from ‘NATPLAS UL’, the ultra-light composite developed specially for ballistic protection.
Operationally proven.
UK MoD and ISO9001 approved
Ballistic Protection NIJ Level IIIA
Fragmentation Protection V50 = 600 m/sec
Gross Weight 4.5 kilos (9.92 lbs)
Surface Area Protected 0.35 m (1.15 ft)
Thickness 6.5 mm (0.26 in)
Area Density 8.5 kg/m²
UV/ Moisture Protection Resin Matrix, Coated
Blunt Trauma Protection HD Polyethylene Foam
Other Features Right or left fitting
Search light Mounting