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Occhiali intelligenti per telemedicina

Offre ai primi soccorritori e ai medici in prima linea l'accesso agli specialisti in tempo reale.

Consolle operativa per sale controllo

Offriamo arredamento tecnico su misura, con un design completo, costruzione e messa in opera.

Sicurezza dei porti

Soluzione integrata che prevede il controllo dei container, delle persone e dei mezzi

Protezione delle navi

Antenne satellitari automatiche per veicoli e navi, veicoli aerei di sorveglianza senza equipaggio

Broadcast Video

IP TV, Information & Communication Technology

Sistemi di radiolocalizzazione

per case di cura e penitenziari

Videowall e sistemi MPDP

per centri commerciali e sale controllo

Display a LED a colori

Prodotti di visualizzazione a LED di qualità alta con i migliori prezzi e servizi

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Prodotti di Sicurezza, Intelligence, ICT, Equipment, Military, Medical
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Hydration systems


BLW-F Lifesaver Water Filter

blw-filtro01.jpgThe world’s first all -in- one ultra filtration water bottle LIFESAVER bottle uses a highly advanced ultra filtration.system.
It will remove bacteria, viruses, cysts, parasites, fungi and all other microbiological waterborne pathogens.
It does all this without the aid of any foul tasting chemicals like iodine or chlorine. FAILSAFE technology means that when the cartridge has expired it shuts off, preventing the user from drinking contaminated water.
Just change the cartridge and continue to use.
LIFESAVER will revolutionise the battle space, reduce carried weight for the soldier, and lessen the traditional logistic demands of drinking water faced by militaries around the world.
With a 15 manometer diameter filtration, LIFESAVER creates safe fresh drinking water instantly and for a






Fast and effective water disinfection for clear water. Sodium Silver chloride complex with 01% silver ions and 2.45% Calcium hypochloride.

Eliminates bacteria and viruses in 30 min and Giardia in 2 hours in clear water.
Conserves drinking water for up to 6 month.



The H .A .W .G.® carries gear and water comfortably on an independent suspension harness, no matter how intense the pace or rough the terrain.

  • Organize small gear, such as hand-held radios, ammo clips, tools and MREs, In a secure lower pocket
  • ASIPS antenna ports, located on opposite sides of the main storage compartment, allow for antennae of all sizes
  • Add or remove name tags and unit badges quickly with integrated hookand-loop panel

muleThe M.U.L.E.® is still the most eficient and compact way to carry your water and field essentials during fast-paced, highaction missions.

  • HydroLink™ Modular Attachment System
  • Easily load your reservoir with quick zipper access.
  • Add or remove name tags and unit badges quickly with integrated hook-and-loop panel.
  • D-ring attachment points to place unit anywhere.
  • Integrated MOLLE attachment system.





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